Personal Mastery

What is Personal Mastery?

It is said to be the control or superiority over someone or something.

Personal Mastery consists of a number of traits. These traits contribute towards emotional maturity and resilience.

Once awareness of ‘self’ starts coming through one will always be on the path/road to learning. Learning and improving self. Personal Mastery is not a destination it’s a journey – a lifelong one.

People with a high level of personal mastery are acutely aware of their ‘ignorance’, their incompetence, and their growth areas. They are deeply confident.

Personal Mastery working for YOU

As one embarks on a quest to master themselves and/or comes into the realization that there is a greater being within themselves that needs to be discovered the following key traits must be surfaced.

  • What do I know about myself
  • How well do I rate what I know about myself
  • How to I leave a mark/uniqueness/impression and
  • What is my source of strength, power, replenishment


Being a master in becoming YOU, being comfortable in your skin, mind, heart and spirit attracts the following benefits.

  • Accepting yourself BEFORE anyone else does. SELF ACCEPTANCE AND AFFIRMATION
  • Showing up for yourself – no one is coming to save you…YOU’RE IT.
  • Being the BEST VERSION of yourself; for the betterment of your community and future generations
  • Introducing yourself to YOU…embracing you.

Continue the learning/insights

Personal Mastery is not a destination it’s a journey…a journey that must be enjoyed. Introspections, lessons learnt and deep reflections to be had. Some water breaks to take note along the way:

  • Embrace authenticity
  • Understand your values
  • Remain consistent
  • Determine what your interested in
  • Give to receive
  • Start yesterday
  • Focus on your superpower
  • Be intentional about putting yourself out there and
  • Showcase your personality